Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Broke Again 3:4

Hi =]

Welcome Back! 
   Generation 3 has been busy. There is one more lift for the 3rd but I've chosen the heir. 
   Carson Broke married Chelsea and they're expecting their first child of Generation 4.

Restriction Lifts:
Adventure/Hopelessness -Dustin
Education -Marisa
Pet-Servic - Sake
Gamer -Winter
Military - Mathew
Science -Jinx
Intelligence -Kameron
Medical -Maria
Oceanography -Dustin Jr. 
Dance - Marty
Athletics -Carson
Law - Cassy
Music - Cory
1 more....

The Broke House in Downtown...

Stop that! No one is out on the Ocean.

Woot- Chelsea is showing signs of morning sickness.

Corin was promoted to Level 7 in Politics.

For some reason I thought Cory would be a great idea for Alien fodder.
Cory is staying in the house because he's the Music God. With him in the house they can use Creative Stuff and Decorations. :)

You think Cory cares you're writing about him?
"He might be jealous of me being heir."

Chelsea is one hungry Pregnant Sim. The worst one yet.

Please don't be twins!
"Please be twins." -Chelsea

Corin was promoted to Level 8

Chelsea invited some of her friends over.

She wanted to fix up Corin who likes blonds.

Just a chance card for Winter- 25k. :D

I got excited thinking he was going to get hit with a meteor... but he wasn't, he saw a shooting star. :(

Bump #2- She's always tired and hungry but doesn't work for a few days. 
Her career is Slacker and she's at Level 8. I thought she was level 10 when I had her marry Carson.

Blah, boring hobby reward. She's safe though and that's good.

Off to work! It's about time. :D

Corin was promoted to Level 9!

She walked back to work but no promotion this time. 

Yeah, No. There was no promotion.

Baby Time!

Little Damica was born. XD
No time like the present to try for another baby. =D

Grandpa Mathew, you know she doesn't care about TV at her age. 
"She might, she just might."

Try for baby again

Carson has hit his LTW.

Plus another baby is on the way.

I'm so glad you're happy Meditating. XD

Winter, don't step in Carson's food.

Oh, crud! Cory was demoted. No use of easels or decorations until he's back to the top of the Music career.

Sorry about that... You'll get it back soon. =D

I thought, if someone was going to get abducted it should be the heir. Then the baby can earn a career lift.

Lol~ They were bored and the skies are clear- I've never had a meteor without a cheat.  XD

Cory is working his way back up.

Oh no, Chelsea. I'm so sorry you got food poisoning. 
Go get a hot bath and you can meditate until you feel better. :(

Isn't it great- I can move big objects. Now there's no need to walk all the way upstairs to change a diaper.

"Now what do I do?"
You should cuddle her and then put her back in the swing.

Aw- Auntie Corin tossed Damica into a toddler.
Plus Chelsea is healthy again.

Corin rolled a want for her first kiss. That's a great aspiration boost. :D

Back to meditation while Carson teaches Damica to walk.

"Look! A shooting star."
Yeah, yeah- so what. I want a Meteor.

Time for Corin to go for her last promotion. =D

Freaking Crap! She's going to have the baby while at work so the game won't let her go... 
I'll have to keep my fingers crossed she'll still have time to go. :(

Just more money.

Baby Time!
It's two hours before her work day is over. I have Go to Work queued for her... Fingers crossed she goes. O.o

"I have to go to work but I'll be back, sweet'ems."

They had little Donny Broke. :)

Grandpa and Damica reading.

She made it but she didn't get a promotion. That's fine this time because she got to keep her job, only late for work. :D

I guess her first word is No. :D

Woot! Corin has lifted Politics.

After a great political leader emerges from the family and takes over the office of Mayor, political corruption is cleaned up. Building supplies from other parts of the country are shipped in and distributed to those who need it. The corrupt ‘housing permit’ laws are repealed. The prestige and notoriety gained by the family allows them to sway the actions others, who see everybody from the family as a leader. The Political restrictions are lifted.

They can now have a bigger house anywhere on the lot. 
Awesome work, Corin. :D

"Baff water is funny."

I decided to let Carson get the Music career.
I checked and the rules only state that there must be a Rock God living in a house, not the original Rock God. :D

"I don't want to move out."
You have to. This way you can visit and not die yet.

The rest of the family is moving out, too. 

Aw, little Damica followed her auntie outside. She's going to miss them. :(

 "We're all alone now, Carson."

That's it for this update. Two generation 4 babies and a chance to build a new house. :)

Lift this chapter:
Politics -Corin

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming! <3

Next Chapter 4:1

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