Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Broke Starcatcher 4:1

Hi =]

   Welcome back to the Brokes... they don't look anything like my founder, Dustin Broke, any more but that's okay. They kinda look like Brandi Broke though.  XD
Restriction Lifts:
Adventure/Hopelessness -Dustin
Education -Marisa
Pet-Servic - Sake
Gamer -Winter
Military - Mathew
Science -Jinx
Intelligence -Kameron
Medical -Maria
Oceanography -Dustin Jr. 
Dance - Marty
Athletics -Carson
Law - Cassy
Music - Cory
Business -Corin

 Borg Rules Here. :)

Chelsea is off to work. She's at level 9 in Slacker.

Chance Card... with money. 

Chelsea has lifted Slacker!
Once a Sim from the family becomes a Professional Party Guest, a huge party is hosted with all the leaders of industry in attendance. Little do they know that the federal labor enforcement agents have also been invited. Confronted by the federal agents, the labor leaders agree to follow the proper labor laws. The Slacker restrictions are lifted.

"Are you still feeling sick?"
"No, why?"

Try for baby #2

Dustin! No scaring Sim who are trying for baby!

D'aw- We heard the baby chimes. :)

At least she cleaned it first. XD

Poor Damica, no one watched her grow up. 
"Grandma and Grandpa would have watched."
Yes, they would have been so happy for you.

Donny grew to Toddler!
Same old hair, same old face. :(

Learning to study and learning the nursery rhyme.

"Who's where?"
Yes, my Sims are mean now. XD

They can't Summon Aliens but they can watch for Aliens.

Baby #3 and bump #1
Woot =D

Stupid Build mode tool is stuck. Time to restart the game. :(

They're upstairs because of food needs, not hygiene needs.

So much was not happening so let's jump to the New Baby!

This might be Daria. XD

Lol~ right back to trying for a baby. XD

Run! Hurry, Carson!

Yay~ I didn't miss paying the bills. XD

Little Donny has the stuck Smart Milk glow. He's kinda special.

"Hi, Juan."

Donny is growing up... and I forgot a picture of him. :(

Carson has topped the Music Career so he's now the Rock God- which means Creativity and Decorations can be used again. :)

"Let's make some magic, Chels."
"I'm ready to see your tricks."

Yep, that's right. Chelsea is the first Sim to take a day off. :D

Freaking dangerous to Watch for UFOs during a Thunder storm. O.o

Oh... look at that lightning glow. O.O

What that means is it hit a gravestone and woke up a ghost. 
I deleted the stairs so Dustin can't come in. 
Sorry, Dustin but they're busy.

Pregnant with #4!

"Is the baby looking?"
What? You're not serious, are you?

I don't mind the baby on the ground. They have a nice rug. 

Kim! I like Kim. :)
"I like him." - Stop it townie walkby.

Donny has earned all his Body points. I'm sure Damica has, too.

Woot! Kim has been adopted.

The last pet career needed is Security. :D

Baby Bump #1?
I'm loosing count here. XD

"Yoohoo, Mr. Aliens."

Ahahah- Daria puked on you.
"This isn't funny."

Taught Kim to stay.

Picture to hang up.

 "You do not dirty you diaper right after daddy changes you."
How mean do you have to be to lecture a baby when it filled its diaper. Bad Carson!

Poof! Toddler Daria is here.

Her Smart Milk boost.

Baby Bump #2. :)

"Come to Daddy, Daria. I'm going to teach you to walk."

"Aliens? Aliens!"
Carson was abducted!

Freaking bad driving Alien. O.o
They can now use any aspiration object they want.

Don't look behind you, Carson. O.o
"My body hurts from the landing."
It'll be okay.

"Why are you all clapping and so happy? 
"You're so brave, dad! You awesome!" -kids

Baby time!
"Go back to bed, children."

Little Baby Dixie was born. :D

Here's the upstairs.

Kim- what cha' doing?
She hasn't been to work yet. 

Carson is pregnant with an Alien baby!
"That's crazy."

They are now both pregnant. 

"Huggy my kitty."

Damica grows up to be a teen!

Aw, nice outfit. :D

She's got her scholarship money and now off to Uni! She's a nice, quiet Fortune Sim. 
Ta-da... ugly outfit. XD

She wanted to get into shape before she went home.
She's a fortune Sim. =D

Kim was promoted to Level 2. :D

"Hi, Mom."
"Welcome home, Damica."

Architecture is available and will be Damica's lift.

With both parent pregnant, Damica has to clean the catpan.

Baby Bump!

As if. I don't need to choose a Chance card anymore. Woot XD

Promotion to Level 7 for Damica.

Little Daria grew up. More sandals. :(

"But this is Donny's homework."
"You need to learn to study. We aren't doing his homework."

"Mmmm, Chelsea." :)

Chelsea got to use the Energizer first, too.

Kim Kitty learned to play Dead.

Damica went to town. She wanted to meet someone. She has her first kiss still locked.

It was fun for her to meet new Sims. It was boring for me when she only liked one Sim.

Baby Bump!
I don't know which bump they're at any more.

Sleeping baby spam.

Damica has Maxed her skills. 
I don't think that's her LTW, just a big want.

Hurry... you might like him. XD

Baby Dixie has grown up, plus she has CC hair.

Carson needed a few extra days.

Does she look evil? Cool. XD

The house is going to be full again.

Promotion to level 3!
Good Kim.

Oh, crap. No one got to her in time. Now everyone is awake.

A quick way to tire them out... Exercise!

Donny's getting tired... I know he will soon.

Damica is meditating until work time.

Lol! Two pregnant Sims don't have time to focus on Dixie.

Carson is having a baby!

Welcome to the Family little Dusty.
 Slacker by Chelsea was the only lift this chapter.

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming! <3

Next Chapter 4:2

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