Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bye Bye Broke 2:1

Hi :D

Welcome back! 

  Generation 2 is doing well. Things are moving along- The family has 2 lifts and 2 pet lifts while raising 4 Broke children. 

Restriction Lifts:
Adventure/Hopelessness- Dustin
Service Pets- Sake
Showbiz Pets -Tucker

   I'm following the full Borg Rules

The kids (Winter and Jinx) are still on the Showbiz restriction for no learning without fun. They got to learn to study because I didn't mess that one up. 

Dustin has maxed his skills.

Yes! I fixed the blue baby clothes only. :)
Maria is a baby and Kameron is the tot.

This is Stalker Marisa Broke, aka Bendett.


Oh- a thing I do. 
If there are no baths and no time for a lot of Grooming/hand washing- the roof is a good place to store dirty diapers until they have the time/energy or whatever.

"What? Who are you and why should I care?"
I guess they don't talk enough any more.

"Mom? You look like a robot!"
Marisa is now an Elder. :)

Winter is growing up, too. 

Well, she could be worse. It's the base game hair that's holding her back.

She's family: I rolled even though I don't have to. :)

Culinary for LTW- It's not bad but it'll be the last resort lift.

Elder Marisa still has two little ones to take care of. :D 

Winter wants friends. *sigh*

Time for Kameron to grow up!

"I got Ducky PJs!"
Yes, you did you cutie pie. XD

He's learning from Jinx's homework but he won't finish it. Jinx will want to do that tomorrow.
They learn to study just a little before finishing the homework.

"You have to use the chessboard still, Kameron."
"I'm only looking at the map, Ms. bossy."

Little Maria is now a toddler. D'aw!

Snow day!... Not
"You'll get to drive everyone to school. We trust you but you still have to be careful."

Someone got a job in Criminal... I think it's Dustin. 
Now I don't have to raise this weeks extortion payment.

Tucker! He's such a scamp...someone clean that up.

Jinx's birthday!

Jinx is a Knowledge Sim. :D

Time to clean up these diapers, Dustin.

I believe this is body.

His LTW is Dance.

They played Peekaboo- it's so cute. :D

Last day of chess.

"A Boy!"
Gaw- don't seem so desperate.

"Hi. I live here. Are you new around here or what?"

Lol~ you're adorable but it's an apocalypse- behave.

"I can beat you in 5 moves."
"I don't care... which one should I move next?"

So it was Winter who got a job.
"And Jinx got one, too."
Good, as long as you both have body skills.

Maria grew up!
"I'm a Space Nut."
You are? That's fun.

Finally! Take the good stuff- I left it out for you. =D

Nooo~ That's not the good stuff.
"It's Treasure!"

That's better~Take it.

And everyone is up. :(
Look at how I had to put the beds? XD

"They stole our Treasure."

Regular clothes for Kameron and Maria. Such choices.:)

"Alright, Kids. Come hug your parents."
How embarrassing for your kids. 

"I heard about telescopes and how we can see Aliens."

Kids are up but the parents are sleeping... 
I forgot but Marisa did quit working.

"You can't be a criminal. Your dad is a hero. Why do you want to be a bad guy?" -Townie

Everyone is busy so I blocked the water leak. XD

Dustin fixes things while the kids enjoy Jumbok. XD

I know what I want but the jobs haven't show in the papers yet. 

"You're still the sexiest Sim alive."-stalker Marisa

Meadow always finds the guys. 
It's a good thing I like her. :)

"Are you any good at chess?"
"I can play." -Winter

Marisa finally acknowledges her daughter's A+

"Medicine? I don't know anything about medicine."

"I don't know anything about Science."
We know what they don't like talking about.

"Do I have to marry one of them?"-Winter
"You don't have to but they're great prospects."-Marisa
"Just give it time, hon. You have lots of time to be young."-Dustin

Eeeww- Oldsters making out. *closes eyes*

What do you mean it doesn't taste good? 
It should taste like Sunshine and Peaches.

Winter topped Criminal.

How did you get Sick?
"It's Big Business- they get in your head."
Pffft. Go hide until you're better.

Kameron grew to teen! :D

Yay! Gamer is in the paper. Winter changed jobs.... and she's nearly red.

But... It's Great Stuff! XD

Winter has grown to Adult- She's also at Level 6 in Gamer. =]

Not that she's happy about growing up. Poor thing.

Off to work! Woot

Oh, stop it you two. 
They totally ignore me.

Dustin's meter looked full.


"Hey, Grim. I'm ready. Thanks for the good lea." *wink* 

Dustin Broke- Makes me sad to see him go. :(


Oh, the poor kids. They didn't take it well.

Kameron even stopped talking to a cute girl. 
They did love their dad. :(

I know they didn't even care about the money.

"Don't worry about Daddy. We'll see his ghost soon."
"His Ghost? *gulp*"

Promotion to Level 7
Winter is the eldest of generation 2

Next time, more kids growing up and lots of those inevitable pictures of Promotions. 

Thanks for reading and Happy Simming! <3

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