Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A New Type of Broke 2:2

Hi :D

Welcome back. 

   Dustin Broke has died leaving Marisa and their 4 children behind. Things were going well for the Broke Family. There are 2 lifts and 2 pet lifts done. What's the next lift?...

Restriction Lifts:
Adventure/Hopeless - Dustin 
Pet Service - Sake
Education -Marisa
Pet Showbiz -Tucker

I'm following the full Borg Rules. 

The Broke House and Family
They're in Downtown.
I did keep the concrete which I think is just fine with the challenge.

"I need vegetables and less bun in my tofu dog."
You won't get fat from them, trust me. :)

They do have two Novels so I'm letting them read in bed.
There's nothing to do but let Jumbok fill some needs.

"Bro. You're looking good. I'll introduce you around in school tomorrow."
I see Kameron as more introverted.
"You'll like my friends."

"Your friends are dorks, big bro."
I guess I was wrong. Kameron has hardly any nice points.

I see your mother has been here.
"I just wish they could clean and fix their own messes."
You're such a nice family Sim.

Time to figure out which Sim you'll marry? 
I don't want to wait for your younger sibs.

Maria grows to Teens.

No, not a pleasure Sim. I think she's fortune. XD

Morning? Evening? Whatever.

"Oh, wow... I so would if I could but we're not allowed to take jobs yet."
Yeah, that would have been a nice one. :)

Okay, what the heck is wrong with you? 
You are so lucky that's not fixing a meal. Stuffing your face isn't fixing a single or group meal so she lives. :(

Kameron topped his teen Gamer job.

Promo to Level 8 in Gamer by Winter

This is Mathew... *I forgot his last name. XD

Mathew is Level 9 Military.

Aw, poor thing. But, she got her first Kiss!

She's in love- he gets to move in. Love will come for him soon. :)

Oh, lookie. He flirted on his own. 

"I love you, Mathew."
"Give me a hug, babe."

Married... Mathew Broke :)

The next morning it's Time for Mathew to go to work- Level 9.

I'm pretty sure she's still at level 8. 
"Mmm... I'm married."

Oh, yes- good, fine. That's cool.

Yeah, great....She didn't go and lost some hobby enthusiasm.

This poped up! 
Kameron lost his job. :(

You'll be okay... Now move so your sister can get here.

Yeah- She's promoted, Level 9
She can go back to work... do it. 

No, Mathew didn't get a promotion. I forgot about him needing skills. He's got some work to do. :(

"You people don't have to look at me while you eat."

"Can I have children now?"
Yes! Gamer is lifted. :D

Your Sim has a brilliant two part plan. After becoming a Game Designer, your Sim first creates a new MMO, and bases the servers out of the region. Second, your Sim masters the current MMO, and PK every single player on the servers constantly. People get so fed up and frustrated with the current MMO, they go looking for a new one to play. Your Sim’s new MMO becomes all the rage.

The server load that once tied up the phones is now gone. The Gamer restrictions are lifted.

Hi, Dustin!

Not nice! I want the next generation.
"I'm just saying hi to my baby girl." -Dustin ghost

"Hm, your suit smells nice."
She's an apocalypse child... XD

Woohoo- Winter is pregnant.

Kameron got a new job.

"Dustin, Sweetie. It's me, your Sugar babe."

What week is it? 
I'm glad I've got it written down- somewhere. XD

"Oh, hon. Mom's going to have to fix that now. You can't because you have to work and I can't because I'm pregnant.... I hope she doesn't get hurt, she's so old."
"You're, uh, pregnant?"

They drove to school- it must have been a snow day. 

There it is! Military lifted. 

Once a brave general from the family leads the local National Guard in a strike force against the zombie hordes, the streets will become safe to travel again and the Military restriction is lifted.
They can walk to work and school and community lots (two or more) now. 

Mathew's LTW is Science.

Finally, a new chest.
They don't have that many rocks around the yard.

Might as well check on scholarships- it makes her mom happy.

"It's you and me, Sis."-Kameron
Education and phones are open. :)

Mathew has lots of friends.

Marisa had an Elder job- she quit. I think her time is up.

You don't have to dig your own grave, Marisa. O.o

"Sure, why not. I'm lonely without my Dustin."

Jinx- what a time to be happy. :(

Aw- baby bump #1
Generation 3.

"Hi little Sim. Your daddy is being made to talk to your mom's tummy."

Jinx grew to Adult~ Woot!
Level 6 in Science!

And now he's the first Sim to collapse into Aspiration failure. :(

.... I have no words.... O.o

I'm sending Kameron and Maria to Uni to grow up.

Poor Kameron- get that outfit out of your system.

Maria- not bad.

This is Marty- named after his dad.
I see I put in another outfit I now need to remove. XD

Restriction Lifts:
Adventure/Hopelessness- Dustin
Service Pets- Sake
Showbiz Pets -Tucker
Gamer -Winter
Military -Mathew

How many kids can I get this time? Fun! 

Thanks so much for reading and Happy Simming <3

Next Chapter 3:1

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