Tuesday, May 19, 2015

House of Broke 3:2

Hi :D

     The second generation has finished all their lifts and now the 3rd generation is filling up the house. Where will they take the family next?

Restrictions Lifted
Adventure/Hopeless - Dustin Broke
Education - Marisa
Gamer - Winter
Military- Mathew
Scientist- Jinx
Intelligence- Kameron
Medical- Maria

I'm following the full Borg Rules.

This is Winter, Generation 2 heir, she's pregnant with her 4th child.
They have Marty, Dustin Jr, and Carson. :)
She married Mathew who lifted Military.

She'll be giving birth alone... in the bathroom.

It was a Snow Day so Mathew is taking his kids to school anyway.

*headdesk* I still haven't removed the Santa outfit.

This is little Casey!
I guess I'm back on the Alphabet name train.

"I'd love to try for another baby."

I don't have time to wait... More babies!

The kids came home with A+s

Dustin Jr is making friends. 

"Can you take this and stand here while I give you some more?"
"Yeah, sure. I love stuff."

I guess they can use that computer now.

The Family!

Ta-Da! Casey has a new outfit.

Carson is adorable.

Winter is pregnant, again. 

Just a view of the house.
They don't have to use Jumbok for hygiene, just hunger now. 

Fun times.

Finally. :)

Marty grows to teen!
Family Sim, of course.

Life time want- graduate 3 kids from Uni-that won't happen.

Carson grows to child.


So many boys- Good guys though, helping out like that.

Time for Marty to go to Uni :)
He has skills.

Generation 3 house.

Nice choice, Marty.

And right back out. There's a reason for you to leave home so quickly... there's a job waiting.

Back home!
Yes, Dance is a powerful lift. :)

Sorry, Carson. 
He's got food poisoning. :(

Mom is pregnant, Carson is sick... might as well hang out upstairs.

Off to school?

"No! We're here to meet some new Sims." :)

Sandy has a good career - Level 9 Atheletics

"I'm not going to marry in just for my job."
Oh, no. No way. It'll be for love and woohoo. :D
"As long as you understand me."

Baby bump. #1?

You look so cute, Marty.
"Not listening."

"How dare you growl at me."
*wimper* O.o
She's tough.

No, that's not the wolf and Sandy, it's two wolves. XD

Casey is a toddler!

Congrats- Promo L7

"Did you see how grown up Marty looks?"

Marty wants to fall in love. :)

And now Marty wants to fall in love more.

Aw, New little boy- Cory. :D

Still 4 little rug rats.

I like this outfit.

Promo Level 8 - Back to work!

Woot- No Promo Level 9 but he got a work boost.

And now he has 3 days off- yay. :(

~It's now Week 12~

Yay- Platinum... now get to doing something else.

That's not productive, Marty.
"There's nothing to do, just dream about my own family."

"Honey- I drank some Elixir. How about another baby?"

"Are you ready to try again?"
"I'm starting to think that's all you want from me."
"Sweetie, you know better. I love the way you cook, too."

It took 3x's to hear the baby jingle.

Dustin Jr is growing up!

Still a cutie. XD

Off to Uni!

Oh, a Default replacement outfit for the plastic vest- good one.

And he's going right back home.

Lol! You would pick that one. Lordie.
Oceanography is available.

Boys playing.

Carson learned all his body skill. 

Chance Card for Dustin; You have to be difficult.  
He shares his headphones and gets a friend.


Promo to level 7
Lol! It's his Uncle Jinx who came home with him.

Back to work and another Promo- Level 8
I guess Jinx will be his work stalker until he quits.

Toddler time

Cory Broke. :)

And Casey Broke grew to Child. :)
5 kids and another on the way.

Cory is a thinker. :)

Don't hit Dustin, Dustin Jr! O.O

A chance card- he loses money. That's fine!

Promotion L9

And back to work. XD
Oceanography Lifted by Dustin Jr.

Once a member of the family tops the Oceanography career, the Hand of Poseidon dons diving gear and plunges into the murky abyss. Beseeching the old water god to forgive the populace, The Hand of Poseidon asks how to restore the waters and correct the weather patterns. His anger quelled, Poseidon bestows a boon of knowledge to the Hand.

The Poseidon Project is born and opens its doors; explaining to all what must be done to revive both fresh and salt water. The ingredients for making Smart Milk and Elixir of Life are once again available to Simkind. Endangered marine life gain in number due to an intensive breeding program, and there have even been sightings of newborn whales! The Poseidon Project works to re-establish ocean currents and tides, using artificial means to stimulate them until the natural balance is fully restored. This artificial method has given way to a hint of winter thaw. Seeing the progress the people are making, Poseidon restores their minds with the wave of his trident. The Oceanography Restrictions are lifted.

Additionally, the new Hand of Poseidon takes a diving expedition to discover the Lost City of Atlantis, discovering in the ruins a special object used by its citizens in ancient times. You may choose one Aspiration Reward to unlock and use, even if Alien Technology is still in place.

Smart milk is back. 
"Here ya go, bro.".

Is this Corey? I think... I can't remember. 
"I'm not going to tell you who I am either."
The hair makes you all look the same. :(

"Hey, Dad."
"Hey, Son."

"Get away from me you stange Sim!"

We have a Girl! This is Corin.

Marty loses a body point in this chance Card. :(

Promotion to Level 9!

Cleaning, fixing, and studying: Fun times.

"We got A+'s, Mom!"

Poof goes Carson- Teenager.

He's a Knowledge Sim. :)

Hey! Your kids need your attention.

Cory! So cute.

"Mom, Dad... Stop it!"
"Do it again, Mathew."
"Mo-om, Eeww- gross."
Then just go to Uni, Carson.

Carson in Uni.

I let him earn a few aspiration points.

OMGoodness- This has got to be the worst outfit yet. O.O
"I love it!"
Of course you do. XD

Lol~ He does because he loves dance. 
Too bad for him someone is already working to lift it. XD

Lifts this chapter:
Oceanography- Dustin Jr

Thanks for Reading and Happy Simming! <3

Next Chapter 3:3 

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