Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Broke Hunting 3:3

Hi :)

Thanks for coming back! 
I know I don't have a Plot or so much as a Storyline- just a bunch of poor Sims who have no choice but to do this Challenge. 
   Generation 2 has lifted their 5 restrictions and Generation 3 is growing up fast- 2 of them are working on their restriction lifts.

I'm following the Borg Rules

Restriction Lifts:
Adventure/Hopelessness -Dustin
Education -Marisa
Pet-Servic - Sake
Gamer -Winter
Military - Mathew
Science -Jinx
Intelligence -Kameron
Medical -Maria
Oceanography -Dustin Jr.

The Broke house

Carson is home and he receives the Athletic Career to lift.

Marty has lifted Dance!

Once a talented dancer rises in the family, and walks into a crowd of survivors, it took only a solid, steady beat. That beat wasn't made with an instrument or heard through electronic sound waves. The dancer simply started tapping a foot. The tap was accompanied by a bob of the head. Before long, someone joined in, mimicking the movements. The dancer added more complex moves as the line continued to grow.
Having been shown the steps, Sims of the region learned to dance once more. With rhythm restored, they reclaimed their physical and mental balance and were able once again to meditate and dance. The Dance Restrictions are lifted.
Dance is a wonderful lift- now they can meditate. 

"In case anyone cares, I'm moving out... Anyone?"

"Bye, hon! Don't forget to visit and call me every week."

Of course we care! You were a very easy Sim- Thanks so much.

Carson will meditate to keep that Platinum mood.

"I wish it were dance class."
Don't tell your team mates that!

Promotion to Level 7!
"I'm bored."
Go meditate

Aw! Little Corin is a toddler.

She's Smartened up and ready to learn.

Crap... Winter lost her job. 
It was a bad Chance card but no worries, she only had it hoping to meet a high level Slacker Sim.

Lol~ Autonomy for the Win! Poor Corin.

Promo Level 8 =D
"I'm bored again."

Fine... Carson is going wife hunting. Maybe he'll find someone.

Woot! He found a Network promotion. 


Waiting for more ladies....

Nope. :(
Hi, Jinx! 
Promotion to Level 9!

"I think you're cute."
I said no.

"Stand next to her and let me take a picture."
I said noooo.

D'aw~ Casey is playing Peekaboo with Corin. The last two children of generation 3.  =D

I sent Winter to town. Carson wasn't having any luck finding a lady Sim.
Oh, maybe!

Maybe, too.
(Chelsea is L8 Slacker)

Winter called Chelsea over so Carson could meet her.

"Hi. I love your hair."-Carson
"Thanks, your choice of clothes is, uhm, interesting."
"Thanks, yours too!"
"I'll never get grandkids."-Winter

They went outside to be alone.

A+ spam!

Love is in the air?

Carson went for his first kiss. XD

Casey looks confused with all the romance in the room.
"I'm going to sit over there and study."
Wait, you have to grow up.

Crud... I pretty much missed his information.
Sorry, Casey.

"Wow, you can jump high."-Cory
There they are, Casey and Corin. :)

Oh, look~ Freewill kissing. XD

Casey is off to Uni!

That's a little old for you. 

And he's leaving right away. 
They spend their Grant money on the house so I can use it later, if I want. :)

Back home

Casey in going to work on the Law Restriction.
He looks dressed for Law. XD

Father and son time. :)

We don't like you now.

Promotion to Level 7 for Casey 
(I think I spelled his name wrong in the game :blush: )

Oh, crud! No one watched Mathew grow to Elderhood. 
Happy Birthday, Mathew!

Another promotion to Level 8 in Law

Winter has hit Elderhood, too. 
Nice outfit.

Casey got a boost- he's a Knowledge Sim.
Hi, Dustin!

Greaaat, a lamp we can't use.

It was given to Casey.

Snow day!?

"This is not cool. I wanted to stay home and make snowmen."
"Me, too. Having a car sucks."

Meditation is Awesome!

Carson has lifted the Athletic Restriction

Once a Sim joins the Hall of Fame from the "Mutant League Football" arena, new training techniques are invented to overcome the muscle degeneration set in by the disaster. All Athletic restrictions are lifted.
-They can carry more than 3 items in their inventory and move large objects.
"Look, Jumbok- I got an  A+!"
 Poor thing must really like Jumbok.

Corey grows up to teen!

His info~ because I didn't forget this time.
Knowledge Sim!

Off to Uni with him. XD

I've seen worse clothes- at least he doesn't have sandals.

Back home- one child left for this generation.

Cory has the Music Restriction to lift.

 Family time. :)

Cory's Chance Card- just a visitor.

Cassey's Chance Card- Promotion!

Promotion to Level 9- Wonderful!
"Yeah, I know."

Cory earned his first Promotion- Level 7
I hate that outfit with the short t-shirt. :(

Back to work that same night for Cory.

Another chance card? Dang it- but it's more money.

Promotion to Level 9!
Ooh, and he brought a lady home with him.

Carson got a shot of Elixir.
I've chosen him as Heir. He's got the hair and a not too bad face. 

"Congrats on being Heir."
"I hope you don't bomb. Ahahaha!"

Winter has finally reached her LTW- she's been perma-plat for ages though.

"Hey, Sugarbear."
"Hi, Chelsea."

She's romantic at heart.

They're in love! 

Dang Cassey. Your brother was making his moves. 
Oh, well. I hope you get those charisma skills back, that he didn't need.

Cory's Promotion to Level 9

"Woot! Snow day."
"You take them." -Winter
"No, it's your turn to be the bad guy." -Mathew
Woot- go to school anyway.
"But it's a snow day, Mom."

No time for phone calls- off to work.

Law has been lifted by Cassey! 

The Sim who becomes The Law restores the code of laws to the region, and the foundation is set for other parts of society to be restored. The Law restrictions are lifted.
 Now I can start lifting Politics, Slacker, and Law Enforcement.
She'll be home, don't worry.
"I'm not worried." 

Chelsea has arrived but keep paying the bills.

"Bye, Cassey!"
"Bye, bro!"

Corin grew to teen....

Then was shipped off to Uni.

She's a cutie. Makes me wonder if I chose right. O.o

Oh, cute dress. :)

"Will you marry me, Chelsea?"

"Yes, Carson. Yes, yes, yes!"

Exchanging rings. :)

Corin got Politics. 

I actually check at midnight to see the jobs for that day. If it's good they go to Uni and then home for the job. :)     
Marry off 6 children? I don't think that'll happen. 

And Dang it! I wrote down she was level 8... and I thought L10. :(

Lol~ That face should Not be made when receiving money from Dustin's death. He was her friend. 

Cory is a Rock God 
Music is lifted

With a mighty chord and a mighty roar
The icy grasp of winter is no more

All of the Music restrictions are lifted.

*They can use a telescope to watch for Aliens!

It was time to try for Generation 4!

 Cory is going to be Watching the Skies.
He's the Rock God... with him here they can use Creative objects and stuff from Decorations. 

Generation 3 Lifts
Dance - Marty
Athletics -Carson
Law - Cassy
Music - Cory
1 more....

Next chapter I hope to have the next Generation! 
Thanks for reading, Happy Simming! <3

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