Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Broke Tower 0:1

Hi :)
Thanks for coming back!

   Dustin Broke has finished Uni and is on his way home; or at least that's what he thought. While he was enjoying his party, the Simcountry was destroyed and most people were left wandering; homeless and scared.  
   He searched but was told no one had seen or heard from his family. He got no closer than Downtown so that's where he settled. 

   There isn't any power, there isn't much clean water, there isn't much of anything but cold and extortion payments to the "New Power." 

  So it begins.... I'm following  The Borg Rules

This was the Witch Hut- I edited to see how much it cost. 
I hope it's okay. It didn't save him any money, I don't think. 

I was so happy to see he didn't have the low riding pants. 
I would have straight up cheated just to get rid of them. 
They should all be burned -imo.

I hope you're okay. This is a safe house... right outside the bad zone.

"I'll be fine. I wish I knew what happened to my family."

Until then, Dustin gets a job. None of his want jobs are available.
He took Paranormal until what I want is available.

"The old Criminal gang is gone. No one will accept me there now."

"I've got low cost items if you need them. Not much but I can get deals for you."-Craig
Maybe someone remembers you.
Dustin got low cost from Networking.

"Is it contaminated water?"
No but you should fill it in before someone sees you have water. O.o

Lol! A neat freak- I love neat freaks. XD
"I can get you a nice position in a dance video. 
It's a good start in these times." -Townie
"Hey, thanks but no. I've got a job assignment already."-Dustin

Promotion on his first day of work.

You don't mind quitting Paranormal, do you?
"No, I do need something more from my life."

If she saw that yawn she'd be ticked. O.o

Another job? 
"No. I think I'll hold onto this paper for later. It's a good opportunity."

Hide! Someone's at the door and we didn't invite them. O.O

"Are you crazy? That's my best friend."
Oh Okay... plus he's giving you a promotion! 

"This one. This is a job for me- Adventuring." Get it!
Dang, even with Uni a paper job is at level 4? Terrible.
Dustin is ready and eager for work. This is where it begins. =D
Promotion! Level 5
Doing good.

"This job is Awesome! I get to do things most people can't even imagine."

And you get to fix sinks with a face guard. Life is good.
"Oh, shut up."

"Hi, kitty. Are you lost or do you belong to this young girl?"
She's a stray named Kim. Become friends.
That's all? No, we don't want a new job.

He's digging for a treasure or a map; digging also raises fun. 
Maps are great for decorations and raising fun by viewing. :)

Promotion to Level 6

We don't mind paying money. XD

Promotion to Level 7
It's Sunday of week 1 (-150 for payment)

I forgot to show what he brought back. 
He needed the elixir just in case of job performance or no pets. XD

I put the computer down here where no one can use it and maybe a nice burglar will take it with them. XD

How nice, she wants to fix you up with her friend. XD
"I told her no."

"Rub a dub dub, this pirate wants a tub."
Hahaha~ you're funny.

"You can put the gift in my hand." -Dustin
"It's a big screen TV, silly."
"What do I want with a big screen TV? I don't have power."-Dustin
"I don't know... are we friends now?"
Lol! Mr. Big wants Dustin to come back to the Paranormal Career. 
No thanks- again. 
"The wind slammed debris against the window panes; the night sky slowly pushing the sun off the edge of the world. Shadows crept closer across the bedroom floor. Inch by slow inch the room melted into ..."
That's not your life story.

AHHHH~ Dismantle the wiring!

Yay~ A promotion because he dismantled it. Level 8

"Blind date? Dude, I want a steak or a hot shower. Thanks but no thanks."-Dustin

Hmm mmm. 

He used his food allowance for pet food. He's got a few on the roof now. :)

"Hello, kitty. Can you shake?"
Sake visited.
His first book is done. Now he can get a quick boost from reading his novel. :)
Freaking great- another TV. :(
See where I put one TV? I hope a burglar comes soon. 
Oh, yeah and Marisa stopped by. I wonder if it's Tuesday of week 2? XD

Work Boost- I love Fortune Sims. XD

Promotion to Level 9
Almost there!

Would you all Stop trying to give him a new job.
"They're just trying to help."
Nuh huh.

More pet food... Love that outfit, too.

Penguin Spam XD

He got hungry earlier in the day and had a sandwich. Now he has to eat old sandwiches. :(

He needs someone to talk to him. :)

I love Social Sims- 
finally got a Promotion offer and he's at Level 9
*does happy dance* XD

Dustin Broke has lifted Hopelessness-
Once your founder reaches the top of a career, (ANY of the 25 careers, it doesn't matter which), he or she shows the region that the worst is over, and that things can and will begin to get better. A few Sims are even willing to risk traveling the streets to be with the regions new and only ray of hope. You may move-in/marry spouses for your founder and future heirs and redeem Family Aspiration Perks. You are still restricted to moving in only those who will contribute to the next generation.

and he lifted Adventure-
 The Sim who reaches the top of the Adventure career locates the stone's thief, the nefarious Dr. Vu. In a daring raid of Dr. Vu’s lab guarded by pirates, ninjas, ninja-pirates, pirate-ninjas and chartered accountants; your Sim makes off with Dr. Vu’s ill gotten gains. In addition to recovering the stone of Unga-Nunga, your Sim makes off with top secret technology Dr. Vu had hidden at the base.

The Adventure restriction is lifted. In addition, you may choose a single Aspiration Reward. You may now place and use this Aspiration Reward, even if Alien Technology is not yet lifted. This can only be done once, by the Sim who lifts Adventure.

He also dug up a map- Good for you! =D

"Now what? I guess I've given up on finding my family."
Well, it's time to start your own family...

First sleep well, and then soon you'll have rug rats to keep you busy.

Thanks for reading! I hope you like him. 
Happy Simming <3

 Next Chapter 1:1

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